Resource 5: Supplier Selection
Find the best contract manufacturers for products, components and tooling:
- AFS (American Foundry Society)/ Doug Kurkul / 847-824-0181 / website
Contract machining:
- NTMA (National Tooling and Machining Association) / Sarah Shoaff / 216-264-2858 / website
Electronics components:
- ERA (Electronic Representatives Association) / Karin Derkacz / website
Plastic injection molds:
- SPI (The Plastics Industry Trade Association) / Patty Long / Ph: 202-974-5216 / Website
Stamping and forming:
- PMA (Precision Metalforming Association)/ Peter Ulintz / 216-901-8800 / website
- FMA (Fabricators & Manufacturers Association) / Jim Warren / Ph: 815-227-8213 / Website
Wire and wire products:
- AWPA (American Wire Producers Association) / Heather Outhuse / Ph: 703-299-4434 / Website
All of the above:
- Robert Moakler / 201-345-5229/ Website
- MEP Supplier Scouting:
Dave Stieren / Ph: 301-975-3197 / Website
Samm Bowman / Ph: 301-975-5978 / Website