Philips Lighting expanding in MS

Date Published08/08/2014
Mentions specific company case(s) of reshoring, kept from offshoring, or transplantYes

Additional Reshoring Information:

Company/Division name Philips Lighting
Parent companyPhilips
Type of work Manufacturing
If manufacturing, is the company an OEM? Yes
Reshoring category:Transplant
Total number of jobs (added or to be added):500
Year reshoring announced:2014
Domestically, the work will be done:In-house
Capital investment ($):2
Country(ies) from which reshored:Netherlands
City reshored to:Tupelo
State(s) reshored to:MS
If relevant, work nearshored to:-
Industry(ies):Electrical Equipment/Appliances/Components
Product(s) reshoredAutomatic response LED lighting
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