The Reshoring Initiative: 1. Publically documents the reshoring trend: what is being reshored, in what industries, from what countries, to what states, for what reasons. Largely responsible for making reshoring a credible trend. Unique. 2. Promotes the trend via speeches, articles, website, etc. Probably 50+% of the national activity. 3. Provides the free tools for companies to make the reshoring decision. Unique. 4. Consults with state economic development offices and MEPs to implement reshoring programs. Almost unique. 5. Consults with companies: a little. Many do this. 6. Broadly supported by industry, banks, manufacturing trade associations. Unique. 7. Trains the Commerce Dept on reshoring. Unique. 8. Have helped 100+ companies reevaluate reshoring/offshoring. No charge. Unique. 9. Met with Pres. Obama and testified to Congress. Almost unique. 10. Publicly Recognized by the Chief Economist of the U.S. Commerce Department as having gotten the reshoring tend started. Unique. Details: 1. Reshoring Trend: It is too early to project the 2014 trend. Preliminarily, fewer jobs were reshored than in 2013. Foreign Direct Investment continued strong and the sum of the two should exceed new offshoring.- a. Reshoring’s share of manufacturing job growth since Jan. 2010: Job growth: ≈750,000 Reshored jobs: ≈140,000 Reshoring % of total: ≈19%
- b. Number of companies added to the list of reshorers in 2014: 93
2. Reshoring Initiative:
- a. Communication
- 1) Presentations, TV, radio, webinars, etc.: 100+.
- a) Total redesign implemented. Our reshoring trend data is now much more accurate.
- b) Article count: 1,800+ up from about 800 as of 12/31/13.
- 4) Demonstrated the international relevance of our tools and logic:
- a) Videotaped for 4+ hours each by crews from BBC World and French Public TV.
- b) Presented twice in Montreal.
- c) On TV in Toronto
- d) Quoted in articles in many countries
- e) Three European university reshoring theses posted on the website.
- 5) Presented at U.S. Senate Democratic Policy and Communications Center press conference on a reshoring bill: Senate 2569
- 6) Online comments posted with links to the website: 401
- 7) Social Media
- a) Reshoring Initiative LinkedIn Group: 1,117 members, up 55% from 12/31/13
- b) LinkedIn postings: about 405
- c) Twitter: tweets 1,500, followers: @Reshoring Initiative 1,794, @HarryMoser 1,496 @SandyMontalbano 1,001
- d) Pinterest page: created
- 8) Published articles written by the Initiative: 14
- 9) Quoted in 100+ articles
- 10) Website traffic: up 3%, 49,265 unique visitors
- 11) Developed ppt deck with slides on 290 company cases of reshoring.
- 12) Provided the reshoring white paper in a document the International Economic Policy Group will present to the 2016 Presidential candidates
- 13) Developed customized data-access service for members of the press and companies.
- 14) Streamlined/improved methodology for jobs # and other calculations
- 15) Created Libraries of skilled workforce and international reshoring articles. Neither is yet available to the public.
- 16) Exhibited at:
- a) MFG Meeting 2014
- b) Walmart’s U.S. Manufacturing Summit in Denver.
- c) U.S. Commerce Dept.’s Reshoring Summit @ Congressional Visitor’s Center, DC
- d) Pure Michigan Business Connect’s Detroit Big Three Matchmaking Summit at COBO Center, Detroit
- e) AMT Forecasting and Marketing Conference, Detroit
b. Economic Development, Consulting and Advising
- 1) Implementation of our Economic Development Program:
- a) Actively working with Miss. State Univ. in U.S. funded Make it in America Challenge.
- b) Actively working with the PA MEP system under the same U.S. program.
- c) Central NYS starting up a similar program
- 2) Consulting contracts with Walmart and a Walmart supplier
- 3) Member of an AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) team that is developing a Total Landed Cost calculator to make standard in the auto industry. Playing key role.
- 4) On Advisory Board of CFIRE (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education) project on the impact of reshoring on the U.S. transportation infrastructure.
c. Recognition
- 1) Received Manufacturing Leadership Council’s Industry Advocacy Award in 2014
- 2) Commerce Department, especially the Chief Economist Sue Helper, publically acknowledged that the Reshoring Initiative got reshoring started in the U.S.