Made in USA shopping resource reference list
It is really important for everyone to remember the impact that your purchases have. Every time you spend $$$ it sends a message to companies and investors. If more people make a conscious effort to buy more Made in USA, we guarantee the voice of those dollars spent will be heard.
By buying Made in USA, you:
For the upcoming Holidays and beyond, we challenge you to be more conscious about what you support with your purchasing power. We have compiled a list of resources that will help you on the path to ethical shopping. This is just the tip of the iceberg, but a good place to start. Have fun, and enjoy!
MADE IN THE USA Masks and Face CoversGeneral:
USA + MADE - Sortable by Category or State USA Love List - A curated site featuring a list of “The Best of American Made” by brand and by state.Etsy - (Remember, where ever you shop, do a search for Made in USA!)
American Made Matters - Education for consumers.
USA MADE TOYS & GAMES Toys Made in America - Extensive list of USA made toys and toy companiesMagic Cabin - Toys made in USA.
Car Guide: - 2016 index of American made automobiles
Pet Products:
Pura Naturals Pet - All products are Made in the USA, with environmentally friendly practices that comply with product quality standards.
The Dog Outdoors - Website features a page devoted to pet products made in the USA---
You can also help by shopping at Amazon Smile. When you use our Smile link below, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchases to the Reshoring Initiative, at no cost to you. Try it now: Click this link, or the icon below, bookmark the link and make all your future Amazon purchases from the Smile page. (The link automatically directs your choice of charity to the Reshoring Initiative. Remember, you must shop from the Amazon Smile page to activate the donation on each purchase.)
USA Made Products - A list of companies that make products in America. This directory has information about and links to the businesses, which includes large corporations, small businesses and individuals, each one offering their own type of unique items and/or services. The listings include many things made from the natural resources available here, such as from trees harvested from the forests, from minerals & ores mined from quarries, animals raised on farms or from crops grown here. You will find both factory produced & individually handcrafted items.Martha Stewart American Made - Amazon department featuring handmade products from the USA.
The Grommet - Features product listings organized by personal values, including a section for unique items exclusively made in the USA.