- 1. Reshoring Trend: It is too early to project the 2014 trend. Preliminarily, fewer jobs were reshored than in 2013. Foreign Direct Investment continued strong and the sum of the two should exceed new offshoring.
- a. Reshoring’s share of manufacturing job growth since Jan. 2010: Job growth: ≈750,000 Reshored jobs: ≈140,000 Reshoring % of total: ≈19%
- b. Number of companies added to the list of reshorers in 2014: 93
- 2. Reshoring Initiative:
- a. Communication
- 1) Presentations, TV, radio, webinars, etc.: 100+.
- 2) Newsletter distributed: 6 times, up from 4 times in 2013.
- 3) Library:
- a) Total redesign implemented. Our reshoring trend data is now much more accurate.
- b) Article count: 1,800+ up from about 800 as of 12/31/13.
- 4) Website being completely redone.
- 5) Demonstrated the international relevance of our tools and logic:
- a) Videotaped for 4+ hours each by crews from BBC World and French Public TV.
- b) Presented twice in Montreal.
- c) On TV in Toronto
- d) Quoted in articles in many countries
- e) Three European university reshoring theses posted on the website.
- 6) Presented at U.S. Senate Democratic Policy and Communications Center press conference on a reshoring bill: Senate 2569
- 7) Online comments posted with links to the website: 401
- 8) Social Media
- a) Reshoring Initiative LinkedIn Group: 1,117 members, up 55% from 12/31/13
- b) LinkedIn postings: about 405
- c) Twitter: tweets 1,500, followers: @Reshoring Initiative 1,794, @HarryMoser 1,496 @SandyMontalbano 1,001
- d) Pinterest page: created
- 9) Published articles written by the Initiative: 14
- 10) Quoted in 100+ articles
- 11) Website traffic: up 3%, 49,265 unique visitors
- 12) Developed ppt deck with slides on 290 company cases of reshoring. Will post.
- 13) Provided the reshoring white paper in a document the International Economic Policy Group will present to the 2016 Presidential candidates
- 14) Developed customized data-access service for members of the press and companies.
- 15) Streamlined/improved methodology for jobs # and other calculations
- 16) Created Libraries of skilled workforce and international reshoring articles. Neither is yet available to the public.
- 17) Exhibited at:
- a) MFG Meeting 2014
- b) Walmart’s U.S. Manufacturing Summit in Denver.
- c) U.S. Commerce Dept.’s Reshoring Summit @ Congressional Visitor’s Center, DC
- d) Pure Michigan Business Connect’s Detroit Big Three Matchmaking Summit at COBO Center, Detroit
- e) AMT Forecasting and Marketing Conference, Detroit
- b. Economic Development, Consulting and Advising
- 1) Implementation of our Economic Development Program:
- a) Actively working with Miss. State Univ. in U.S. funded Make it in America Challenge.
- b) Actively working with the PA MEP system under the same U.S. program.
- c) Central NYS starting up a similar program
- 2) Member of an AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) team that is developing a Total Landed Cost calculator to make standard in the auto industry. Playing key role.
- 2) Member of an AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) team that is developing a Total Landed Cost calculator to make standard in the auto industry. Playing key role.
- 3) On Advisory Board of CFIRE (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education) project on the impact of reshoring on the U.S. transportation infrastructure.
- c. Recognition
- 1) Received Manufacturing Leadership Council’s Industry Advocacy Award in 2014
- 2) Commerce Department, especially the Chief Economist Sue Helper, publically acknowledged that the Reshoring Initiative got reshoring started in the U.S.
HM 12/7/14