Reshoring and TCO Analysis Find Support in Graduate Thesis by Ferran Cabratosa

The Reshoring Initiative is pleased to publish Illinois Institute of Technology graduate student Ferran Cabratosa's thesis, titled: “Reshoring.”

Mr. Cabratosa's paper offers a concise and thorough understanding of the precursors, causes, and consequences of both offshoring and reshoring, and ultimately makes the case for reshoring.

Included in the topics are the macroeconomic trends that led from pre-Industrial Revolution to twentieth century offshoring to twenty-first century reshoring. Using an enormity of data, Mr. Cabratosa demonstrates that reshoring production is often the most cost-effective supply chain decision a manufacturer can make.

The Reshoring Initiative's Harry Moser assisted Mr. Cabratosa in his research, and is pleased to publish his paper on our website, here.

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