opportunities for individuals and companies to support reshoring
There are so many ways to help support reshoring and U.S. manufacturing. The most important ones are for companies to use the free TCO Estimator http://reshorenow.org/manage-tco/ and for consumers to buy more Made in USA products. Below is a summary of many actions that can have a powerful impact on reshoring.
Buy more Made in USA products - Use your consumer power wisely. It is remarkable how many quality items are made in the USA. Finding U.S. made goods can be challenging, but branding and awareness are improving. To get started, check out this list of resources on where and how to buy Made in USA.You can also help by shopping at Amazon Smile. When you use our Smile link below, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchases to the Reshoring Initiative, at no cost to you. Try it now: Click this link, or the icon below, bookmark the link and make all your future Amazon purchases from the Smile page. (The link automatically directs your choice of charity to the Reshoring Initiative. Remember, you must shop from the Amazon Smile page to activate the donation on each purchase.)

Do your Total Cost of Ownership analysis. All manufacturers need to use a method such as the TCO Estimator to determine what can be profitably produced in the U.S.
Source and sell more U.S. products – Retailers, please see Resources for Retailer Suppliers for a comprehensive guide that includes resources related to all aspects of U.S. sourcing.
Share your story - If your company moved any manufacturing to the U.S. from offshore, let the public know: check the Company list to ensure you are included in our database; send a press release to your local media; and submit a Case Study of your success story on our website.
Educate your employees and customers – Invite a Reshoring representative to give a presentation at your event, to your company, or to your customers.
Support a project: Help us develop the Corporate Social Responsibility Estimator (CSRE), an expansion of the TCO Estimator.
And last but not least, our most important forms of revenue: Individuals and companies: Make a Donation – Give a one-time tax-deductible donation of any size to help us maintain and expand our efforts.Companies and associations: Become a Sponsor – Show your commitment to the industry and your customers by giving ongoing support to the Reshoring Initiative by becoming a sponsor today. Levels and benefits are described here. Sponsorships are our most important source of revenue, allowing us to achieve our major goals.
--- You can find more on these actions and on how to donate to or become a sponsor of the Reshoring Initiative on our website, ReshoreNow.org.
Thanks again, happy holidays, and happy reshoring!