Learning That Works for America
Retaining and Bringing Jobs Back Home
By Glenn Marshall, Newport News Shipbuilding Career Pathways Program The 2016 October labor reports teenager’s unemployment rate stands at 15.6 percent while the labor force participation rate is 62.8 percent, and 94.6 million of working age individuals are not working or even looking for a job. While, eighty percent of industry executives reported they are willing to pay more than the market rates in workforce areas reeling under a talent crisis. Still six out of 10 positions remain unfilled due to the skills shortage.So What’s Wrong with This Picture?
The 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) shows an estimated 37 percent of 12th-graders are prepared for college-level coursework with only 25 percent of grade 12 students in math and 37 percent in reading scoring at or above Proficient level. Parents and their students do not view working in manufacturing as an acceptable career path. As more emerging good paying manufacturing jobs are becoming available, most parents still want their kids to get a college degree and get a white-collar job. While, workers with just a two-year degree can out-earn graduates of four-year universities who go into less lucrative fields. In 2014, the average manufacturing worker in the United States earned $79,553 annually, including benefits. In many cases, earning power is more a function of the occupation than the degree level.Learning That Works for America
The good news is the National Career Clusters Framework provides a vital structure for organizing and delivering quality Career Technical Education (CTE) programs through learning and comprehensive programs of study to help students navigate their way to greater success in college and careers … “Learning that works for America.”
Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) who co-chair the U.S. Senate CTE Caucus are leading a bipartisan initiative for increasing the emphasis on the career readiness of students. Senator Kaine said, “CTE is an important pathway for students to prepare for the workforce by integrating practical applied purposes with work-based knowledge and a hands-on learning experience.”
The average high school graduation rate for students concentrating in CTE programs is 90 percent with 70 percent of CTE graduates enroll in postsecondary classes. High-risk students are 8 to 10 times less likely to drop out if they enroll in CTE programs instead of general programs.
A proven model for Career Pathways is Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) in the partnership with Hampton Roads Public Schools (Virginia). This program reaches out to students who are mentored by over 300 NNS volunteers and gives them opportunities to experience future careers choices.
In addition, NNS holds its annual Manufacturing Day event. This event invites school administrators and teachers from area high schools to learn about manufacturing behind the shipyard gates and the career opportunities it can provide to help recruit the next generation of shipbuilders.