High supply chain resilience is good for U.S. reshoring
Supply chain risk is one of the leading causes of business volatility. The FM Global Resilience Index is the first data-driven tool and repository that ranks the resilience of 130 countries and territories to supply chain disruption. It is designed to help executives evaluate and manage unknown risk potentially inherent in the countries they rely upon. Nine key drivers of supply chain risk are grouped into three categories: economic, risk quality and supply chain factors. These combine to form the composite index. Scores are bound on a scale of 0 to 100 with 0 representing the lowest resilience and 100 being the highest resilience. Navigate the index by clicking on the graphics and factors below. Useful country tables, sortable by resilience factors and drivers, are available as well.
Go to the interactive mapThanks to FM Global Resilience Index (c) Copyright 2015 FM Global. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.