Reshore Now
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July 5, 2016
What Sponsors Are Saying about the Reshoring Initiative®
“We have been a lead sponsor of RI since its founding in 2010. The dollars we send to RI are a great investment in our industry.”
- Doug Woods, President, AMT - The Association For Manufacturing Technology “RI takes a complex issue and explains it by the numbers to a purchasing audience that must hear the message. We need RI beating the drum of success as an independent source of information. The belief in society is that the trend is still to globalize all sourcing, and decisions are made because of this belief. RI changes minds every day.”
- Alfred Spada, Vice President Business Development, AFS - American Foundry Society “The Reshoring Initiative has elevated the awareness that US based companies are reshoring for some very practical reasons. The TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) calculator is a valuable tool to help those considering reshoring and also help US suppliers objectively argue why it is more beneficial to source from American companies. When a current US based supplier is at risk of losing business to foreign competition, the resources at the Reshoring Initiative can be very helpful with identifying potential “hidden” costs.”
-Dave Tilstone, President, NTMA - National Tooling and Machining Association “PMA’s support for RI, has been an outstanding collaboration providing PMA and its member companies a pragmatic, real-world approach to how we can bring well-paying manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. RI’s Total Cost of Ownership Estimator gives purchasing professionals and corporate executives a better understanding of the true costs of offshoring, thereby helping shift decision-making from an opportunistic acquisition of components or assemblies to an actionable “total cost of ownership” basis. RI provides PMA valuable resources we use to help member companies compete in the global economy.”
-William E. Gaskin, President, PMA - Precision Metalforming Association “SPI has sponsored RI as a key program for strengthening our industry. Harry has been an excellent speaker at several plastics industry conferences and has also provided direct, effective support to SPI members.”
- Bill Carteaux, President & CEO, SPI - The Plastics Industry Trade Association "The Reshoring Initiative® dovetails nicely with FMA’s own mission of facilitating growth and sustainability of the North American metal fabrication industry. FMA supports open and free markets and respects the business decisions of manufacturers in regard to where they decide to have their products made. As we have come to learn through our support of the Reshoring Initiative the analytical tools that RI has developed are effective in showing manufacturers that in many cases, the economics work in favor of returning production to the U.S. This helps all of us who live and work here maintain a higher standard of living, and expand prosperity for those who both work in and outside of manufacturing."
- Ed Youdell, President and CEO, FMA - Fabricators and Manufacturers Association, International