Pig Iron Manufacturing Facility Would Add 100 Jobs

Date Published01/08/2019
Author NameAndy Szal
Mentions specific company case(s) of reshoring, kept from offshoring, or transplantYes

Additional Reshoring Information:

Company/Division name Petmin USA Inc.
Parent companyPetmin Holdings Limited
Type of work Manufacturing
Reshoring category:Foreign Direct Investment
Total number of jobs (added or to be added):100
Year reshoring announced:2019
Year reshoring implemented or to be implemented:2021
Capital investment ($):474
Country(ies) from which reshored:South Africa
City reshored to:Ashtabula
State(s) reshored to:OH
If relevant, work nearshored to:-
Industry(ies):Primary Metal Products (not including Foundries and Castings)
Product(s) reshorednodular pig iron
What domestic positive factors made reshoring more attractive?Government Incentives, Proximity to customers/market, Raw Materials Cost, Other, import replacement
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